In celebration World Pride 2019, we present to you our interpretation of ROY G BIV: six mommy and me looks set against some of our favorite summer spots that happen to be decked out in Curious G’s “favorite color” rainbow. Read on to find out about our frocks and where we went on our rainbow chasing adventure!
In Curious G’s world, rainbows are truly a defining symbol both literally and figuratively. She sees rainbows in the colorful city around her, and she sees a rainbow of nuances in the different people she interacts with on a daily basis. As she has matured and gained a greater understanding of family and relationships, her perspective has been shaped by her interactions, our discussions, and even the books that we read. She is still young and cannot fathom some of the deeper constructs of relationships and identity, yet she believes that love is love and that we are who are. Scroll down below to see some of our favorite books that illustrate the beauty of diversity in love and families.
Chase the Rainbow
Industry City provides a never-ending supply of colorful public art. It is also one of our favorite spots to spend a summer Saturday. Find out why here. But this month, we were delighted to see this Theresa Rivera Design installation and the rainbow elevator (scroll down to our yellow looks to see!).

My red dress, cool and comfy enough for the playground yet cute enough for brunch and dinner, is from Nightwalker.
Curious G’s fruity frock is from Primark, which we bought in the store in the King's Plaza Mall in Brooklyn, but check out these similar adorable red girls dresses that are under $15 here, here, and here.
This past Sunday we took the tram from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island and strolled over to Four Freedoms Park to feast our eyes on this dazzling rainbow. We then ran up these spectacular steps to enjoy the skyline.

Here’s the fun part; my dress was only $30! I got it from Forever 21, and you can get it here! In fact, you can obtain a collection of really cute maxi dresses that you will wear all summer for under $50 here, here, here, here, here, and here.
And on that note, Curious G’s little dress is none other than Cat and Jack from Target. Her shoes throughout this post are too!
We adore the ever-changing scenes that adorn the freight elevators in the food court in Industry City, but this rainbow is our favorite so far. See it this month! It just might make you feel like dancing too.

I have this T-shirt in black and white to wear with shorts and skirts all summer. My skirt is by Ulla Johnson, and it’s on sale on Revolve now!
Curious G’s dress is from Next Direct, where I order her clothes from every season.
Long Island City is the home of one of our favorite parks, Gantry Plaza State Park (read all about it here). It is also home to a vast collection of murals created by local street artists. We happened upon this one on our walk from lunch at John Brown Smokehouse to Gantry Plaza State Park. What’s our favorite way to get to Long Island City? We like to take the NYC Ferry from the East 34th Street Terminal. On this particular day, we took the ferry from the Astoria Terminal, after chilling in Socrates Sculpture Park.

My dress will be living on the beach this summer, and it is from Lost and Wander. Curious G’s adorable little dress receives a deluge of compliments each time she wears it and it was apart of our summer haul from Next Direct.
Speaking of Socrates Sculpture Park, here we are at the park! This diaphanous delight floating above us is the centerpiece of the Chronos Cosmos: Deep Time, Open Space exhibit, currently on view until September 3rd. It is Ginga (Silver River) by Miya Ando.

A breathable billowy dress is my summer go-to, and this one has pockets! It’s packable, its cool, and it’s from Xirena.
Curious G’s blue embroidered number is one of my favorites from this summer, and it’s from; once again, Next Direct.
Just steps away from Ginga, in Eduardo Navarro’s Galactic Playground, the shadow cast by the central gnomon points to instructions painted on the ground in this multi-hued hexagon. What do you think our instructions were?

My dress comes with a belt, which Curious G is wearing in the opening slideshow above. Again, cool and billowy is my go-to, and it’s handy to have a belt to cinch the waist for a more refined look. Email me/DM me on Instagram or Facebook, or comment below for details on my sirin bloom dress. Curious G’s dress is another score from Next Direct.
Childrens books we love that are inclusive of the LGBTQ community, and show that there is more than one definition of family (and one beautiful book about gender identity)

We All Sing With the Same Voice by J. Phillip Miller and Sheppard M. Greene
I ordered this book for Curious G after we sang it during one of her school celebrations. It is in heavy rotation, and since the song is so catchy, we usually wind up singing it rather than reading it.
Harriet Gets Carried Away by Jesse Sima
This book is about a very imaginative little girl (who Curious G totally identifies with) who prepares for her birthday party with her two dads.
Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love
This book, which won the 2019 Stonewall Book Award, is simply beautiful, and encourages acceptance of self and others as they are. It expresses the powerful message that anyone who wants to be a mermaid, can go ahead and be a mermaid. Thank you to The Reading Ninja for posting about it.
A Plan for Pops by Heather Smith
This book provides a touching story about helping family and loved ones transition through difficult times in life. It follows the story of Lou and his two grandfathers, Pops and Grandad, as they find a way to create a happier world after Pops has a debilitating fall that confines him to a wheelchair.
Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer
This board book is colorfully illustrated and shows families happily engaged in their days. Families with two mothers, two fathers, one parent, and one of each parents are all included in this book.
Please comment below with any other great book recs that can be added to this collection!
And don't forget to follow along on our adventures on Instagram!
These ideas are damn good and no doubt you are looking so stylish and gorgeous, I literally like all your outfit, and colors are amazing, and I have a similar mustard color long frock, I got my one from because they have a huge collection of stylish wear, and the good thing is I get discount, now I am thinking to buy blue one too.